Collection: JAPONESQUE

US based Japonesque was founded over 30 years ago and is one of the largest make-up accessories brands in the world today, with a presence in 52 countries. Trusted by celebrated makeup artists, beauty professionals, and beauty aficionados worldwide, Japonesque products are crafted with precision and performance in mind.Back in the 80's when fashion was bold, hair was BIG and makeup was bright, our founder, Paula Beritzhoff embraced the look of the decade as an international model.

Her career took her to Japan where she was inspired by the innovative makeup tools and techniques used by Japanese pros. She shared these tools with US makeup artists who quickly fell in love with the sleek designs and high quality. Recognizing the potential, Paula turned her inspiration into a business and Japonesque was born. Almost 40 years later, our professional-inspired products can still be found on movie sets and runways, but also on the counters of beauty enthusiasts everywhere through our distribution with many major retailers.